Sunday, May 18, 2008
Nutrition Info
In today?s advanced world of computers and technology, it seems like just about everything is simpler than it was 20, even 10, years ago. We can do many things much faster and easier thanks to computers and technology. We can avoid the cost of phone bills and postage by talking for free through instant messengers and emails. We can save on gas money (and our own energy!) by keeping up with our bank accounts, and even paying bills or shopping using our bank accounts, online. We can save the time it takes to head down to the local library to search for the books we need for a research paper by using the resources of the Internet to study and explore every topic under the sun.
And, best of all for some of us, we can even work from home thanks to computers and technology.
Whether we?re freelance writers, graphic designers, editors, data entry workers, or even photographers, because of the advances in computers and technology, we can set up shop right in our own homes. No more commuting, no more annoying co-workers, and no more bossy bosses!
However, despite all the perks of using computers and technology to work from home, those of us who do work from home usually lack one thing ? health insurance. When we?re self-employed, or contracted by a particular business, health insurance packages aren?t usually one of the perks of using computers and technology to work from home.
Therefore, it?s up to those of us who do use computers and technology to work from home to search for our own health insurance policies. There?s good news ? the same computers and technology we use to work from home can help us search for health insurance companies that sell affordable health insurance policies for individuals.
So, the next time you log on to start work, remember to take a few minutes to find a health insurance policy.
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Essential Minerals include calcium (for muscle and bone health), magnesium (for healthy nerves and heart) and zinc (which boosts immune functions, cardiovascular, prostate and eye health).
Antioxidants such as coenzyme Q10, selenium and many others serve to defend our bodies from free radicals. Coenzyme Q10 helps in the producing cellular energy as well as ensuring heart and liver health. Selenium shows promise in reducing certain degenerative diseases such as cancer. It also promotes immune functioning. There are so many more that offer amazing health benefits.
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Recent information on White Stevia Extract
If you are like me, you have probably been an on-again, off-again exerciser for as long as you have been an on-again, off-again dieter. Like dieting, it just doesn?t stick. Like dieting, it can be boring and just no fun.
That is the problem with both dieting and exercising. We try to force ourselves into a temporary, unnatural activity. Let?s see if we can change that. Let?s make exercise a permanent part of our lives.
A sensible diet and physical activity are the main components of a slender, healthy body. Daily exercise burns calories and builds muscle. Muscle requires more calories than fat. So the more muscle you have the more calories you burn. You burn calories building the muscle; you continue burning calories to maintain the muscle. It?s a win-win situation.
You should incorporate 3 kinds of activity in your exercise regimen: (1) aerobic, (2) strength-building (weight-bearing), and (3) flexibility (stretching).
Aerobic exercise is any activity that raises your heart rate,such as walking, running, jumping rope, swimming, playing tennis, dancing, and should be done daily.
Strength building includes weight lifting, sit-ups, push-ups, ditch digging. These should be done 2 to 3 times a week.
You should go to a gym at first to learn proper technique so as not to injure yourself (except for the ditch digging).
Flexibility training involves activities that stretch and lengthen the muscles. These activities help those nice strong muscles and tendons to move and stretch without tearing. They also help relieve the pain and stiffness of arthritis. Stretching should be done throughout the day.
Flexibility training can be part of the other two types of activities, or an exercise of it?s own. You can do 5 minutes of stretching when you get up in the morning and again before going to bed. You can stretch before or after your workout sessions.
?Yeah, yeah,? you say, ?I know all that, but how do I make myself stick to it?? There are two ways:
Find something you really like doing, something you think is fun, or you can keep your goal in front of you and do it anyway.
Belly dancing is great aerobic exercise and such fun! Find a teacher near you.
Yoga is good for flexibility and good for the spirit. You can learn it from a book, video tape, or DVD; or you can take a class.
I have recently started doing Tai Chi. It?s wonderful. It not only is good for your body; it is good for your mind.
Pilates promotes both strength and flexibility. You can do it on your own, but you should get some instruction first to learn to do it right.
If you enjoy a weekend sport, such as playing tennis or softball, bowling, hiking, or mountain biking, don?t stop. But you should add an activity regimen to do during the week---4 or more days a week, 30 or more minutes each session.
But if you just really, really hate exercising, maybe you need a reason to do it anyway. Reread the health benefits of physical activity. Not enough? How about this? A 150 pound woman burns 215 calories walking 3 miles in 45 minutes! That?s an extra 2 pounds lost each month, even if that is all she does! Make it worth it? You bet!
Other ways to work activity into your day:
- Wear a pedometer and try to work up to 10,000 steps a day.
- Walk or ride a bike to destinations within a mile or two of home.
- Park at the back of the parking lot and walk to the store.
- Play with your children or grandchildren in the yard or on the
- While standing in line or waiting anywhere, shift your weight from foot to foot. Or
swing your hips from side to side. It makes the pedometer swing and it counts.
- Don?t try to save steps at work or at home. Take the long way.
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