Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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Holistic HealingDining Out On A Diet
You don?t have to stay home to eat healthy. Most restaurants have low fat options and are quickly adding low carb menus. Before going out, call around and find a restaurant with a menu that will be a good match for your diet. Once at the restaurant, there are ways to enjoy a guilt free meal. The secret to success is in the initial ordering?you don?t want to find yourself staring at a plate of bad choices, and regretting it only after the plate is empty.
Some experts suggest that once served, you should ask for a take-out container and put half of it away for the next day?s lunch or dinner. This works great if you are incredibly self-controlled. However, if the knowledge that there is more food under the lid of that Styrofoam container is too much?change the way you order. Side dishes, children?s plates, and appetizers are all great alternatives. Request that extras like gravy, butter, sauces, salad dressings, and sour cream be served on the side. Slightly dipping a fork in a condiment before you stick it into your food is a great way to limit the extra calories while adding flavor to your food.
Don?t be afraid to substitute. Substitute a salad for fries, a green vegetable for potatoes, or low fat versions for their fat laden counterparts. If there are no substitutions available, ask to have the item left off the plate. Such a request may result in your waiter explaining that you have to pay for it anyway. Simply let him know that you don?t mind?or you?ll end up paying with your waistline. Sometimes another person at the table will want the item you want left in the kitchen. If this is the case, ask the waiter to serve the item on a separate plate.
Fast food restaurants offer a challenge to the average weight loss plan. However, if you must go to one, there are usually a few healthy choices you can make. Order a salad, grilled chicken, or a roast beef sandwich. If you are on a low carb diet, request a plate and a fork with your sandwiches so that you can eat it without the bun. In casual and fine dining scenarios, simply choose items according to the way they are cooked, avoiding anything that is battered and fried. Instead, order items that are steamed, broiled, baked, roasted, or poached. Stay away from food that is creamed, cheese sauce, or items marinated in oil. Especially destructive to your weight loss efforts are casseroles and pastry crusts.
As for drinks-- water, diet sodas, and ice tea are all good choices. A single glass of wine fits nicely into most diets, but only if you have the willpower to pass on a second glass when offered. Desserts don?t have to be off limits, especially if everyone else at the table in partaking. This will only cause you to dig into the ice cream in your freezer with wild abandon once you get home. Choose a dessert that does not come with ice cream, whipped cream, or any kind of sauce. But only order it if you have someone willing to share it with you. Have the waiter bring it out already divided up.
There is no reason not to enjoy a guilt free dinner out. There are many options available, you just have to make the right choices.
About the Author:
Brought to you from Jay Morganson, http://www.besthoodiapills.com
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Goji Juice Bread: A Goji Treat For The Whole Family
Goji juice has quickly become one of the world�s most popular nutritional supplements. Derived from the goji berry, it is believed to be one of the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet. Throughout the world, families drink goji juice on a daily basis, partly because of the stellar taste of the juice, but mostly to gain the nutritional benefits. This has led to a mundane routine of consuming a few ounces of pure juice per day, instead of optimizing the goji juice experience.
A little bit of creative imagination can break this monotony. Why risk boredom by simply drinking the same amounts of plain goji juice day in and day out? By experimenting with goji juice recipes, you can enhance your daily goji consumption and be less likely to forget this important juice in your daily routine. A good way to add some spice to your goji experience is by breaking some goji juice bread! Below is a recipe for doing just that.
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Natural HealingAtkins Diet Plan Whats it All About?
A typical breakfast consists of 3 or 4 strips of bacon, two or more eggs and coffee. A snack would maybe be chunks of cheese and a cup of coffee with cream. Dinner might be a huge steak fried in butter. Sounds really good right? It sounds so tempting but there is a trade-off. You will have to give up carbs such as breads, potatoes, pasta, rice, and other things like chocolate, cake, some fruits, veggies, and milk at least in the beginning.
The theory is that when you cut out carbs your body are forced into burning fat that your body has stored to give it energy. Your body burns more calories when burning fat than when it is burning carbohydrates and you will lose weight more quickly. Your blood sugars stabilize which prevents overeating.
The first phase of the Atkins Diet Plan is the Introduction Phase and must be followed for at least two weeks. You are only allowed to consume 20 grams of carbs a day. You can load up on as much red meat, chicken, fish, cheese, eggs, mayo, cream, and butter. It is during this phase that your body switches from the burning fat to burning carbs.
The second phase is the ongoing weight loss phase. During this phase you increase your carb intake by about 5 grams daily until you find your critical carbohydrate level for losing weight. The most carbs that you can eat and still lose between 1 and 3 pounds a week. Breads, pasta, potatoes, and rice are still off limits.
The third phase is the pre-maintenance phase that you enter when you have only five to ten pounds to go to meet your goal weight. Your carb intake increases by ten grams each day for a week in order to help your body adjust to the addition of carbs and the final phase of maintenance.
The fourth phase is called lifetime maintenance and intended to help you keep your motivation. Carbs are limited to less than 90 grams a day. Get used to it though because you will be on a low carb diet for the rest of your life.
There are some concerns about the long-term effects of the Atkins Diet Plan and other low carb plans. There is such a high consumption of fat, particularly saturated fats and this can cause an increase risk of heart disease.
The Atkins diet eliminates some nutrients and this could cause deficiencies and other health problems in the future. Since there is a limited intake of bone building calcium you could be at increased risk of Osteoporosis. A very limited intake of antioxidant nutrients could cause problems such as heart disease, cancer, and premature aging.
One drawback of the Atkins Diet is that it can become boring. Vegetarians have difficulty with this diet because veggies, seeds, and nuts are off limits in the first stages. The diet does present a view of healthy eater, which keeps us healthy and free from disease.
Other concerns are that the initial weight loss comes back quickly when you go off the Atkins plan and a lot of people drop out in the induction phase. The carbs are very low and ketosis can result which is dangerous for a diabetic or anyone else for that matter.
This diet is high in cholesterol and you can develop constipation and/or heart disease because of the high fat content. Since the diet is low in fruits and vegetables, it also lacks cancer-fighting antioxidants. The most serious drawbacks to the Atkins plan are that it is not intended for long term use and there are unsafe if not downright dangerous side effects.
A few positive notes about the Atkins Plan are that it works! You lose a lot of weight quickly and you can eat as much as you want of certain foods especially protein and fat.
The Atkins Diet eliminates to a great degree carbs from rice, pasta, potatoes, breads, some fruits and veggies. It also eliminates cancer-fighting antioxidants. It is a high fat and high protein diet that can increase the risk for certain diseases like high cholesterol and heart disease.
On the upside, this is one diet that actually works but it is not a diet that you can be on for an indefinite period of time. Once you go off the program and resume more normal eating the initial weight loss will come back. Also, as with any diet plan check with your doctor to be sure you can safely do it.
To conclude let me give you a reminder. The Atkins diet is not for long term use and it has inherent health risks. If you need to lose weight you may already be at risk for heart disease and high cholesterol, the Atkins plan has the potential of actually increasing those risks.
(c) www.atkins-diet-plan-n-books.com
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About The Author
Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice on a variety of subjects. For more information on Atkins diet plan or Low carb diet plans, drop by the website. His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information. Visit http://www.atkins-diet-plan-n-books.com.
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Holistic RemedyProven and Effective Diets That Can Cure Candida Infection
Do you have candida?
Not many people know what candida exactly is and what they look like.
Candida or yeast infection is an infection caused by the overgrowth of a microorganism called Candida albicans. This particular fungus is normally found in the stomach as it aids in the digestive process. However, it can cause harmful side effects if it is found on other parts of the body such as the mouth, skin folds, the vagina and or the penis.
Diet is important in the treatment of the disease. The following diets can be of great help to completely get rid of the candida infection:
* A diabetic diet is advised as it contains less sugar. All the foods that are rich in sugar must be taken in small amount. Food such as cookies, cake, candies, sodas, and ice creams should be taken with precautions. Sweetened food that are made from artificial sugar called saccharine or aspartame or stevia extract need to be taken with moderation. Sugar intake can further worsen the infection as it can cause overgrowing of Candida albicans. Three days of sugar restriction may enhance the possibility of curing the disease.
* White starch food such as white pasta, bread, cakes and white rice must also be prohibited. You should take whole grains in moderation. If you are on a carbohydrate diet, you need to lessen the intake of the following foods to lessen the possibilities of growing more Candida albicans. Dairy products are harmless unless you are allergic to them.
* The increase of intake of essential oils can be a great help. Oils such as omega-3 oils, fish oils such as tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardine, and other oils such as flaxseed oils, borage, and primrose oils can be a good diet. You should at least take one tablespoon of these oils per day. Some oils that are found in some food such as salads, canola oil and olive oils can be useful as well. You should include avocado oils and nut oils as they are helpful in treating the disease as well.
* Do not just take any antibiotic without any prescription from a doctor. Antibiotics and cortisone-type prescriptions should not be taken as possible, as some of these drugs are harmful and can increase the growth of these microorganisms.
* Regular intake of yogurt about two to three servings a day can also help in curing the infection. Yogurt contains a special ingredient called acidophilus that is a powerful and proven ingredient for treating the infection.
These are the diets that a yeast infected patient should take. However, before taking these diets it is advisable that you should consult your physician first for a more thorough medical diagnosis and assistance.
Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.
About the Author
Charlene J. Nuble 2006.
For answers to All your frequently asked questions about candida, please go to: http://www.candidaanswers.com/
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