Monday, January 12, 2009
Have you heard of Herbal Aphrodisiacs
If everything else in your life is going wrong, you often feel
like you need to make drastic changes to make your life better.
Start by changing the way you eat. When the body is provided
with essential nutrients, the world seems more manageable.
Mood swings and bouts of tiredness and listlessness may be
the results of poor eating habits. Eating healthier may
very well improve other areas of your life.
Eating healthier may provide you a fresh perspective on life
Whenever a person makes a decision to improve their life, the
whole world opens up possibilities. Just the decision to do
something positve creates a positive symbiosis in the world.
Making long-term changes in your eating habits is the best way
to feel better and put your life in balance.
Take a look at your eating habits and improve them.
Include a variety of foods including fresh fruits and vegetables
and whole -grain foods. These foods will fill you up and are lower
in calories than foods full of oils or fats.
Food is your primary source for fighting disease. Food is the
source of good health and energy. Eating healthy foods can benefit
all of us.
One thing that can prevent us from eating the right foods is the
mistaken idea that a "healthy diet" takes the enjoyment out of
eating and deprives us of good taste. Eating healthier is not deprivation
but abundance of foods rich in nutrients and vitamins that will make
not only make you feel better almost instantly but make you look
Who doesn?t want to feel better and look good. You can enhance your
overall health by adding some good nutritional foods to your diet.
Nutritional foods make you feel better and they can also taste great.
Adding nutritional rich foods to your diet will provide you more e
nergy and also protect you against some diseases. When you start to
eat healthier, your body and mind respond in very positive ways.
Food can provide you the vitamins and minerals that your body
requires for optimal health.
Researchers in the field of nutrition consider healthy eating as a
preventative measure against aging. Foods rich in certain nutrients
have the ability to help eliminate some chemically active molecules
that are believed to contribute to aging.
The risks of contracting some of the most frightening medical
conditions such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's can be
reduced when we eat right. You can reduce your risk of developing
these chronic conditions and lose weight as a side benefit by
incorporating a healthy eating lifestyle. Lowering your health risks
is a key result of eating healthy.
By planning a healthy eating regimen, we can choose foods from each
food group that contain vital nutrients that enhance the ability of
the body to fight disease.
Knowing which foods contribute to our overall health is important.
We can research nutrition fact and choose foods that are good for us
while eliminating those foods that have a negative impact on our health.
Making long-term changes in your eating and physical activity habits
is the best way to keep your body at optimal health. Health experts
suggest that the intake of saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol
be kept as low as possible. At the same time, individuals need to
consume a nutritionally sound diet.
Getting all the facts concerning diets and nutrition is time consuming.
There are so many contradictory results regarding the food that is good for
us that we usually give up our search for healthy menus and run out to the
nearest fast food joint.
There are some basic food facts that will help you eat healthier.
But recognizing that some foods are actually dangerous and eliminating
those foods from our diets is just practical common sense.
Resolving the conflicting information about healthy eating and diets
is as near as your mouse. There are a variety of Internet sites that
will give you all the tools you need to revamp you eating habits.
One of those sites is, a
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Modern diets tend to have the least amount of high quality essential fats but large amounts of low quality and harmful fats. These essential fats are found in foods such as flax seed, fresh nuts, avocados and certain types of fish. Processed foods and red meat contain saturated fats and trans fats which are neither essential nor beneficial.
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Natural RemedyVitamin B12 in a Vegan Diet: The Dreaded Debate
When you follow a vegan lifestyle, there are many questions that you probably dread. Where do you get your protein? Why don?t you eat dairy or eggs? How do you get your calcium if you don?t drink milk? If you are well-informed on vegan nutrition you can easily answer these questions with pride. But, there is one question that delves a bit deeper, that is a much more difficult to answer, and threatens the view of many vegans that their lifestyle is a more natural way for humans to eat: Why aren't there any plant-based sources of B12?
Every vitamin, mineral, or nutrient can be found in a modern-day plant-based diet, except for one. Vitamin B12 (or cobalamin) can not be found in any plant-based sources and is only found in animal products. This strikes a sore-spot for many vegans.
In practically every book or article that you read on vegan nutrition there are lengthy paragraphs on how and where you can find nutrients such as calcium and protein in a plant-based diet. These discussions are usually followed by a sentence such as this, ?Vitamin B12 is vital for your health. Since you can only get B12 from meat or dairy products, if you follow a vegan diet, make sure to take a vitamin B12 supplement daily.? After reading a statement like this, you may be wondering, but why? The answer to this question is difficult to find, but if you search the scientific literature long enough, you can find it.
To really understand why we can't get vitamin B12 from a plant-based diet in modern-day society, we have to take a look at nature and a look back into our human history.
B12 is produced by "good" bacteria which are found in the soil and on plants. Every herbivore in nature gets its supply of B12 from consuming these bacteria on the plants they eat. These bacteria then make homes in the gut of the herbivores that eat them. Carnivores get their B12 by consuming the organs and thus the bacteria from their herbivore prey.
Our ancestors, whether you're looking at several thousand years or just a few hundred years back into our past, didn't wash the food they pulled from the ground. They ate the bacteria which produce B12 on the plant-foods they consumed and got an adequate supply of B12 daily.
In our modern-day society, bacteria isn't found on our plant-foods for two reasons. First, the large number of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals used to treat our food doesn't allow a large amount of this bacteria to grow in our soils. Second, we wash our food very well. So, in our modern-day diet, there is not enough of this good bacteria on our plant foods so we have to find other sources.
People who eat meat or vegetarians that eat dairy and eggs, can easily get their B12 from animal products. This is mainly because of contamination of the animal foods by the bacteria normally found in the gut of these animals.
Unfortunately for vegans, the only source of B12 is through a supplement. So when you pop that B12 pill, hopefully you?ll feel better knowing that you have to take it only because of our clean, modern-day culture and not because a vegan diet is fundamentally deficient!
Gina Buss is an independent medical and science writer. Please visit for additional information on vegan and vegetarian diets. |
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