Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Health article
Often times the difference between whether or not your insurance company will cover the bill is the REASON for the procedure. If, for example, you are having your nose reshaped because you're unhappy with your profile -- no deal. You're on your own. However, get that same nose job because your doctor has diagnosed a chronic breathing problem that results in the potentially dangerous condition known as "Sleep Apnea" and you could end up with a new nose courtesy of your health insurance provider!
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3. Vitamin C is another highly beneficial ingredient. Apples, apricots, avocadoes, breadfruit, blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, kiwifruits, jujubes, melons, cantaloupess, peaches and pears are rich in Vitamin C.
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HealthGreen Tea And Weight Loss- Drink Yourself Slim And Healthy
Although it seems too easy, researchers conclude that drinking green tea is an excellent aid to weight loss, as well as being all-round good for you.
The research studies used green tea extract, which is a more concentrated form of green tea, but drinking the tea itself in between meals is a great substitute for a candy bar or chocolate. You get the uplift, without the calories.
How To Drink Yourself Slim With Green Tea
Green tea is an excellent appetite suppressant, and it's especially useful if you're trying to cut down on your portions, without going on a strict diet. Aim to drink a cup of green tea before each meal, and in between meals too, if you feel hungry. If you wish, you can add a jolt of skim milk to the tea, and if you're very hungry, a teaspoon of honey.
You'll find that you're not hungry until the next meal - you may even forget to eat - but do ensure that you eat three meals a day, and a small snack. This is important to enhance your metabolism. If you skip meals, your metabolism slows, and this means that your body's adjusting itself into starvation mode, and making your calories stretch. This is dangerous if you're trying to lose weight.
Green Tea Varieties Prevent Boredom While You're Losing Weight
There are many different varieties of green tea, all with a slightly different taste and effect.
Archaeologists report that tea has been a favorite beverage for 5000 years. In India, China, Japan and Thailand green tea has been used as a traditional medicine, used to control bleeding, heal wounds and regulate body temperature, as well as control blood sugar and ease digestion. Green tea is especially popular in Japan, where green sencha tea makes up 80 per cent of all tea consumed. It's a high grade tea, which is steamed to prevent fermentation.
So don't restrict yourself to the green tea brands you find in your supermarket. You'll find varieties like "Gunpowder" green tea, in which the leaves have been rolled into pellets. Because the tea leaves are rolled, they retain more flavor and aroma.
Have fun exploring green teas - make your green tea diet exciting, and losing weight will be fun.
Green tea's many benefits to your health and well-being are amazing - drink a few cups a day, and not only will you lose weight, but you'll also enjoy protection from life-threatening illnesses. Discover more about green tea at Drink Green Tea Daily site at http://www.drinkgreenteadaily.com/ and the site's blog, at http://www.drinkgreenteadaily.com/blog/ for green tea news and information. Get weight loss tips at 30 Day Slimmer at http://www.30dayslimmer.com/ |
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