Saturday, October 11, 2008
Natural Remedy article
So why don't the results of a diet usually last?
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Freeplay Indigo LED Table Lantern
Natural Aloe Vera Juice
The goal in treating acne whether by natural means or conventional medications, is to reduce the levels of sebum (oils) in and on your skin. Concentrate on keeping your skin oil-free with a healthy acne meal plan.
Vitamins For A Natural Acne Remedy
Like other organs of the body, skin needs the correct amount of vitamins for its health. The skin defends the body against external harmful agents as well as excreting toxic compounds through glands and pores. Therefore, it is matter of common sense to conclude the importance of taking the necessary amount of vitamins for acne to assist the body's healing mechanism. Here are some of the vitamins and minerals that can be used as part of a natural acne treatment regimen. For more advice on vitamins and antioxidants, visit
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Natural Aloe Vera Juice
- Kidney stones - Joint pains/ sore muscles
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LinseedItching Treatment with Herbs and Ayurvedic Remedies
Sun, 04 Mar 2007 23:37:43 EST
Itching is a symptom of several conditions of the skin such as eczema, scabies, ringworm, allergies, etc. When the skin is inflamed, the nerves in it become hyperactive. This increases the irritation ...
Snowing. Despite snow, gardening chores continue - Homer News
Wed, 08 Oct 2008 00:58:00 GMT
There is nothing about this growing season that is shaping up. We are still picking raspberries while it is snowing. The leaves are hanging on tight to the deciduous trees. If this ...
Thu, 06 Dec 2007 07:38:29 EST
When you meet people, what do they see? Your face, your skin, that's what. Your skin condition can say a lot about your health and your lifestyle. Did you know that your skin is the largest organ ...
Hepatitis C: Early Detection Means Better Health
Wed, 21 Mar 2007 21:07:24 EDT
This makes EFA's an important part of your diet. Other sources of these
fats are fish and nuts. Most of the fat in my diet comes from a
combination of nuts and flax seed oil.
Flax Seed Oil is also...
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Labels: Yerba Mate Leaf
Recent information on improve health
Helen Keller's life is a testament to the power of hope. When she was about two years old she contracted a disease that robbed her of both her sight and hearing. When you consider that she could neither see nor hear, it seems impossible to believe that she would grow up to be one of the most revered personalities of the 20th Century, working tirelessly on behalf of world peace, women's suffrage and civil rights.
What makes Helen Keller's story even more remarkable is the fact that she was born in 1880, which meant she lived during a time when being a woman was considered a disability and being physically disabled was perceived as being less than human. So how was Keller able to accomplish so much with such formidable obstacles? She believed in the power of hope and confidence.
Unfortunately, when it comes to our outlook on losing weight too many of us seem to be on a starvation diet of doubt and lack of confidence. To remedy this, we are going look at some practices that will nourish the belief in our ability to lose weight and live healthier lives.
Binge on Books
Books that make you feel optimistic and help you look forward to the positive possibilities that lie ahead can be wellsprings of hope. Read from such books every day - even for only five or ten minutes. You can turn to spiritual texts, books of poetry and quotations, novels or pages you have written in your personal journal. Copy particularly "hope filled" passages in a scrapbook so they
will be readily accessible on occasions when you need a quick fix.
Think "As If"
Pause at least five minutes each day and think healthy thoughts. Think about your life as if you have already achieved your weight loss and healthy living goals. Think about not only how you will look but about how you will feel. Look beyond the weight loss goals toward what will happen next and what else you hope to do and where else you expect to go with your life.
Weigh the Benefits
Simply getting on the scale every day is not an effective way to "keep hope alive." On the other hand, a daily practice of weighing our bodies along with the benefits of losing weight and living healthier can help bolster our hope and confidence. When making a list of weight and wellness benefits, focus on things
that matter to you, and be very specific about what you will derive from succeeding in this area of your life. Once you complete your list, make copies so you can post it in your home and carry a copy with you wherever you go.
About the Author
Jacqueline D. Stanley: Author, Speaker, Chief Encouragement Officer at Lettuce Is Not Enough University: The Place to Learn How to Live Well and Lose Weight.
Labels: Raw Food