Sunday, October 12, 2008
Ecozone Ecoballs Reviews and info
Fri, 22 Aug 2008 09:05:32 EDT
Aside from producing your own dishwasher detergent, you may consider using a soapfree detergent for your laundry. Eco Ball (www. ecozone. co. uk), Aqua Ball (http://www. aquaball. ... My neighbour told me EcoBalls washed chewing gum out of a favourite polyester dress of hers!...Washing at higher temperatures (60 or 90 Celsius) worked for me - remember to remove the rubber rings on the EcoBalls, they will lose their shape used at temperatures a bove 50 Celsius. ... Ecozone informed me over a year ago they had found a European distributor - but still no news....
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Detergent alternative
Fri, 22 Aug 2008 09:05:32 EDT
Aside from producing your own dishwasher detergent, you may consider using a soapfree detergent for your laundry. Eco Ball (www. ecozone. co. uk), Aqua Ball (http://www. aquaball. ... My neighbour told me EcoBalls washed chewing gum out of a favourite polyester dress of hers!...Washing at higher temperatures (60 or 90 Celsius) worked for me - remember to remove the rubber rings on the EcoBalls, they will lose their shape used at temperatures a bove 50 Celsius. ... Ecozone informed me over a year ago they had found a European distributor - but still no news....
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