Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Lets talk about Ginseng
Copyright 2006 Roger Hall
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L'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator
Health Products By Ailment
There is so much information about what is healthy and nutritious these days that it is very difficult to sort out the hype from the truth. Following a healthy diet can be accomplished by making some simple adjustments to your current diet.
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Health Products By Ailment
Rio Yerba Mate Teabags 40 x 1500mg bags
In fact, the Mediterranean diet is associated with longer life expectancy among the elderly, because it is characterized by a high intake of vegetables, legumes, fruits, and cereals. Furthermore, one of the basic nutritional elements shared across all Mediterranean cultures is the high intake of fish and the low consumption levels of saturated fats. On the other hand, olive oil, which belongs to the unsaturated fats category, helps the human organism function and provides all the necessary ingredients for the aged part of the EU's population to continue being healthy and thrive. Furthermore, the low intake of dairy products and meat and the modest consumption of alcohol have helped the elderly in countries like Spain and Greece to live longer and healthier lives and maintain their productivity levels high close to the end of their lives.
As current evidence suggests, such a diet is beneficial to the health of all individuals regardless of their age group or residence location. Scientists, after examining a variety of factors like diet, lifestyle, medical history, physical activity levels, and smoking have recognized the importance of the Mediterranean diet in keeping the body fit and the mind working properly. In fact, a higher dietary score was associated with a lower overall death rate and evidence suggests that people who follow such a dietary plan are expected to live longer and suffer less from illnesses.
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Rio Yerba Mate Teabags 40 x 1500mg bags
GinsengComplementary and Alternative Treatments For Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 05:02:04 EST
Nutrition and Supplementation
Nutritional deficiencies are a factor in many psychological disorders. Many children with learning disorders have an allergic reaction to casein and gluten. Casein is a ...
Chinese cuisine with swift and reliable service - Malaysia Star
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 23:29:05 GMT
![]() Malaysia Star | Chinese cuisine with swift and reliable service Malaysia Star, Malaysia - Perfect combination: Chrysanthemum Ginseng (right) and Roasted Honey Fish Stick with Rice. We were also served Mongolian Steak Rice and Nyonya Prawn ... |
Trade fest ups Korean ginseng - Viet Nam News
Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:46:14 GMT
Trade fest ups Korean ginseng Viet Nam News, Vietnam - HA NOI — A workshop on how to increase imports of Korean ginseng to the Vietnamese market will take place today in Ha Noi, with the participation of eight ... |
NutritionChange Your Diet to Cure Your Constipation
There are many things that can cause constipation and changing your diet will almost always help no matter what the cause. Some of the causes can be a diet low in natural fiber, food allergies, not drinking enough fluids, overuse of laxatives and not enough exercise.
Constipation can also be caused by a more serious health condition such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, colon cancer and irritable bowel syndrome -- just to name a few. If your constipation does not get better with diet and natural remedies, you might have something more serious and should see your doctor right away.
Dietary Suggestions:
Drink lots of water throughout the day -- about 8 glasses. Why is so much water necessary? Food is ground up in our stomachs and then passes in liquid form into the small intestine. This is where the nutrients are removed. It then goes into the colon and water is removed so that the stool can form. Sometimes too much water is extracted causing the stool to become hard and difficult to pass. This is why you need adequate water in your diet.
Increase your dietary fiber as it helps retain water in the stools. Oat bran and ground flax seeds can be incorporated in your diet by adding them to your hot cereal, muffins or in your smoothy. Also, eating lots of raw fruits (with the skins) and vegetables will help increase your daily fiber. Keep the skins on your potatoes also.
Add prunes or prune juice to your diet as they have a mild laxative effect. Prunes have traditionally been used to keep the bowels regular. Raisins are also good.
Limit or avoid sugar and processed foods as much as possible.
Taking probiotics can also be helpful -- such as acidophilus, lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. You can find these in yogurt, kefir and other fermented foods or you can buy them in capsule form.
Here are some other foods that are recognized as having a laxative effect: coconuts, avocados, dates, dried apricots, nuts (almonds, walnuts, etc.), seeds, olives, figs, pineapple, grapes and green apples.
Drinking aloe vera juice can have a balancing effect on your intestinal flora and may help eliminate your constipation.
Eating a diet of whole foods instead of processed foods, fast foods and deep fried foods can cure many a health problem and get your body back in balance, including balancing your digestive system.
Green drinks or freshly juiced vegetables and fruit can help keep you regular. They are also an excellent way to improve your health and just feel better all around as they are loaded with vitamins, minerals and many other beneficial nutrients.
Two other diet tips: Chew your food well and eat regular small meals throughout the day. Don't skip meals or eat too much at once.
If you suspect food allergies, you can either do an elimination diet or get tested to find out what foods you are allergic to. An elimination diet has you leave out a suspected food and see if you feel better. Then you reintroduce the suspected food and notice how you react. This way you can find out what you are allergic to one food at a time. Food allergies can cause constipation, so finding out what foods you are allergic to and avoiding those foods can be very helpful.
Well those are my tips for improving your diet to help cure your constipation. Also, don't forget to exercise!
Kathy Love is the creator and webmaster for where she has compiled information about natural cures and remedies for various conditions, ailments and health issues. Find out more about constipation at |
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Not just A blog about Slippery Elm Capsules
Do you still have a skinny picture hidden in the back of your wallet that you pull out whenever you want to relive the ?good old days?? You may be onto something positive, and it?s more than just harboring dreams of days gone by.
Many experts now recommend that dieters visualize where they want to be ? so that they can achieve their weight loss goals more quickly. That could mean fitting into your jeans from when you were 20, or just being a healthy person for the first time in your life.
Visualization techniques help people achieve their goals by bringing it one step closer to reality. If done correctly, you begin to live life as if you?ve already reached your healthy weight, which reinforces good habits.
Picturing yourself healthy is a good way to encourage you to stick it out and adhere to your diet and exercise plan. You have something to look forward to and you know what it will feel like once you get there.
Visualization is more than a static image. True visualization techniques use all of the senses. You can close your eyes and imagine what it would feel like to lose 100 pounds, not just how great your backside will look in a new pair of tight-fitting jeans.
It?s also a technique that doesn?t require any special skill, money, or time ? you can do it anywhere and no one will know that you?re secretly visualizing your weight loss success.
You want to start by fully imagining how your future self will be once the weight is off and you?re at your goal size. Picture yourself sitting down to a healthy meal at a nice restaurant and envision the smells, tastes, and sounds around you.
What feelings would you have at that very moment? Surely a sense of satisfaction ? one that will carry into the present and help you work harder to make that image come to fruition.
Don?t picture yourself sitting at a table as if you?re a nearby diner. Instead, visualize the scene from inside your own body ? the new you that worked so hard to lose weight and get fit.
As you implement visualization techniques to your daily diet plans, you can also reaffirm your goals as you do it by focusing on positive affirmations. The process of visualization can be addictive in itself because it brings about a sense of self-confidence and excitement about the future that?s in store for you.
Download your free report entitled 'Ultimate Weight Loss Strategies' from and read the health, fitness and self improvement tips at |
Slippery Elm Capsules NewsNaturally Green Blog - Acne
Pet --Aggression, Stress, Anxiety
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You can also choose from a variety of natural remedies for non - disease conditions, such as:
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Naturally Green Blog - Acne
Ecozone Moonlight, night light, light bulb, glow light
Be aware and ready to feel and face your emotions. Equip yourself with whatever tools are necessary to get over emotional baggage - including self-improvement seminars, tapes, and group support.
3. Cleanse
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Ecozone Moonlight, night light, light bulb, glow light
Cola Nuts
2. Mental well-being is improved resulting in a reduction in anxiety, stress and tension allowing you to relax and focus on the golf course.
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Cola Nuts
cleaning your colon with herbs is healthy
Sat, 01 Mar 2008 00:18:55 EDT
It may come in the form of a powder that can be mixed into a drink, capsules or other types of products. ... Herbs like slippery elm will provide soothing relief during the cleansing process, making it a good choice for an herbal colon cleanse as well....
Herbs for Life
Sat, 05 Apr 2008 14:42:57 EDT
For occasional respiratory problems, I use capsules which contain a blend of the following herbs: ... pleurisy, slippery elm, wild cherry, plantain, chickweed....
Taking the Burn Out of Heartburn Naturally - Natural
Fri, 14 Mar 2008 17:14:10 GMT
![]() Natural | Taking the Burn Out of Heartburn Naturally Natural, AZ - This is a proprietary blend with ingredients that include L-Glutamine, Aloe Vera Leaf, deglycerized Licorice Root, Bismuth Citrate, Slippery Elm Bark, ... |
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Not just A blog about Manual Fruit Juicer
Do You Step Aerobics?
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Maca Powder
Carob Pods
Weight Watchers is made up of two different programs that a dieter can follow being either the Core program or the Points program. Each program that a dieter chooses to follow is supported by a group that helps when needed most such as during group discussions and accountability (ensuring that the dieter is reaching their target weight).
The Points program is a program which puts a numerical value on a person�s burning of energy and their actual calorie intake. Each serving of food that they consume is given a number of points and conversely different styles of exercise undertaken by a dieter will be given a negative point(s). So during a certain week each dieter will have a certain number of points that they must try to hit in accordance with the overall weight loss they wish to attain and their actual current weight.
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Carob Pods
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The Definition and Function of Vitamins
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 125g - �6.29
Manual Fruit JuicerEliza Crossing the Ice
Mon, 31 Mar 2008 14:04:08 EDT
Jerry walks into the kitchen and begins grinding a piece of fruit on a manual juicer and drips the juice in a glass by the side of the counter top....
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