Monday, April 28, 2008
A blog about MSM
Mon, 28 Apr 2008 08:25:37 CST
The MSM narrative is that both are such limited, fatally flawed candidates that not only can't either one be elected president, but they also may not be ...
The Media Loves Wright
Mon, 28 Apr 2008 17:14:00 EDT
Because it enables America to return to the classic boomer racial-cultural wars that are all the MSM truly knows how to cover....My thoughts in sum: Isn't it a relief, by the way, for the MSM to have a presidential campaign in which no issues are actually discussed? This Wright-stuff is amazing to me. It's all the MSM seems to care about....
Goji Berries - 125g
Goji Berries - 125g
Wheatgrass - Organic Wheatgrass Powder.
Labels: Ginkgo Leaf Powder | Ginkgo Leaf | Ginkgo
Another blog about Flaxseed Capsules
Perhaps the most important component of any healthy weight loss program is rest. Unfortunately, in our world of deadlines, long work hours, and poor time management, rest seems to be a commodity that is easily sacrificed.
By now, you have learned the importance of diet and exercise for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and promoting healthy weight loss. Effective rest patterns are essential to feeling your best, being less stressed, and living longer.
The importance of restorative rest cannot be over emphasized. Restorative rest refers to the state of deep relaxation and sleep where the bodily processes of identifying, neutralizing, and eliminating toxins occur. In addition, the processes of cell regeneration and tissue healing occur during periods of restorative rest.
The quality and quantity of your rest patterns can make all the difference in the world in how you feel and function. Here are ten tips to a good night's rest:
- Make sleep a priority.
- Unwind by dealing with distractions early in the evening.
- Develop a sleep ritual.
- Synchronize your biological clock by going to bed at the same time each night and getting up at the same time each morning.
- Create a restful place to sleep.
- Use a comfortable and supportive mattress.
- Exercise regularly.
- Avoid caffeine in the evenings.
- Don't smoke.
- Reduce alcohol intake.
Depriving yourself of sleep night after night can result in sleep debt, a destructive force in a healthy weight loss program. Signs of sleep debt may include: falling asleep in the middle of the day, falling asleep while watching TV, falling asleep while reading, or falling asleep while sitting tin traffic.
Scientific research has linked sleep debt to the following conditions:
- Impaired glucose tolerance
- Decreased production of growth hormone and leptin leading to obesity and altered appetite suppression.
- Diminished immune response and white blood cell production leading to increased possibility of infection.
- Increases cancer risk
- Diminished reaction time
To reduce sleep debt, you must get the required amount of sleep your body needs. For most adults, 7-8 hours is recommended, while individual needs may range from 5 - 10 hours daily.
Living Longer, Looking Better Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Loss Program Rest Recommendations
- 6 - 8 hours of daily rest.
- Any less amount of time must be made up the next day.
According to David Dinges, chief of the Division of Sleep and Chronobiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, adequate rest resettles us emotionally, helps us think clearly, and enhances our health and longevity.
Get a good night's rest tonight and experience the vitality and joy life brings you tomorrow.
For more information on healthy weight loss programs go to |
Flaxseed Capsules NewsOrganic Hemp Shake
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Organic Hemp Shake
Astragalus Powder
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Astragalus Powder
Flaxseed CapsulesFish oils - vital to human life - Jamaica Gleaner
Mon, 31 Mar 2008 05:24:33 GMT
![]() Jamaica Gleaner | Fish oils - vital to human life Jamaica Gleaner, Jamaica - Flaxseed oil, which is a less potent plant source of omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to prevent cancer of the breast, colon and prostate. ... |
All Seasons Health Chlorella Tablets | All Seasons Health Wheatgrass | All Seasons Health Wheatgrass Tablets
Labels: All Seasons Health Chlorella | All Seasons Health Chlorella Tablets | All Seasons Health Wheatgrass