Sunday, May 18, 2008
Nutrition Info
In today?s advanced world of computers and technology, it seems like just about everything is simpler than it was 20, even 10, years ago. We can do many things much faster and easier thanks to computers and technology. We can avoid the cost of phone bills and postage by talking for free through instant messengers and emails. We can save on gas money (and our own energy!) by keeping up with our bank accounts, and even paying bills or shopping using our bank accounts, online. We can save the time it takes to head down to the local library to search for the books we need for a research paper by using the resources of the Internet to study and explore every topic under the sun.
And, best of all for some of us, we can even work from home thanks to computers and technology.
Whether we?re freelance writers, graphic designers, editors, data entry workers, or even photographers, because of the advances in computers and technology, we can set up shop right in our own homes. No more commuting, no more annoying co-workers, and no more bossy bosses!
However, despite all the perks of using computers and technology to work from home, those of us who do work from home usually lack one thing ? health insurance. When we?re self-employed, or contracted by a particular business, health insurance packages aren?t usually one of the perks of using computers and technology to work from home.
Therefore, it?s up to those of us who do use computers and technology to work from home to search for our own health insurance policies. There?s good news ? the same computers and technology we use to work from home can help us search for health insurance companies that sell affordable health insurance policies for individuals.
So, the next time you log on to start work, remember to take a few minutes to find a health insurance policy.
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How green tea is brewed is half the enjoyment as any fan of green tea will tell you. Unlike your normal oolong and black teas it is unfermented so the brewing method is a little different for green tea.
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Essential Minerals include calcium (for muscle and bone health), magnesium (for healthy nerves and heart) and zinc (which boosts immune functions, cardiovascular, prostate and eye health).
Antioxidants such as coenzyme Q10, selenium and many others serve to defend our bodies from free radicals. Coenzyme Q10 helps in the producing cellular energy as well as ensuring heart and liver health. Selenium shows promise in reducing certain degenerative diseases such as cancer. It also promotes immune functioning. There are so many more that offer amazing health benefits.
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