Friday, October 03, 2008
Goji for nutrition
Snacking doesn't have to be unhealthy. This article will give you lots of ideas for healthy snacks that will fill you up, give you energy and satisfy your cravings.
Most experts agree that snacking is a part of a balanced and healthy diet, as long as the snacks dont pile on empty calories. Like any other part of your diet, its important to put some thought into what kind of snacks to have on hand; otherwise its all too easy to pick something high-calorie, high-fat, or high-sugar.
Its a good idea to not let yourself get too hungry before eating a meal or snack, since this is a surefire way to encourage overeating. Drinking sufficient water throughout the day (8-10 glasses is generally recommended) will not only serve to keep you well-hydrated, but will also help you feel less hungry. Another good idea is to include some protein with your snacks, as this will help keep you feeling full for a longer period of time.
Following are some ideas for different types of snacks. You may be hungry for different kinds of snacks at different times, or on different days. Pick what sounds best, what you have on hand, and what fits best into your eating plan or strategy.
* Flavored popcorn or rice cakes * Pretzels (with or without some honey mustard dip) * Light microwave popcorn * Baked tortilla chips with salsa
Fruits& Veggies:
* An apple (with or without some caramel dipping sauce) * Sliced strawberries with fat-free half and half * Raw veggies (try a dip with ranch seasoning and fat-free sour cream) * Frozen grapes
* String cheese * Light yogurt * Chocolate milk (made with lowfat milk) * Cottage cheese with canned pineapple
* Banana-chocolate whip (In a blender, combine 1 cup fat-free milk, 1 small banana, and a squeeze of chocolate syrup. Optional: toss in a few ice cubes for a frostier concoction) * Orange whip (In a blender, combine, 1 cup orange juice, 1 carton orange nonfat yogurt, and a few ice cubes) * Light Root Beer Float (Diet root beer with 1 cup lowfat ice cream * Steaming mug of fat-free hot chocolate/cocoa (with added calcium)
* 2 whole wheat fig bars (look for these in the organic food section) * 2 lowfat graham crackers spread with 1 T. chocolate frosting * 3 Hersheys kisses * Animal crackers (1/2 small box) and a cup of lowfat milk
I recommend keeping a list of your favorite healthy snacking ideas, either on your refrigerator, in your purse, on your computer, or even your PDA. Sometimes its hard to think of a good snack option. With your list, youll never have to worry again and it will help with shopping, too!
About the Author
Erin Rogers, a work-at-home mom of two, is the founder of, providing practical healthy living resources for busy people. She's also the author of the Healthy Express Cookbook: 101 Fresh, Light & Quick Dinners ( Visit her website ( to sign up for her FREE electronic newsletter, 'Dinners on the Double' - offering a quick and healthy, no-recipe dinner idea and more each week. Erin can be reached via email at
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One health benefit of green tea is that it lowers the risk of heart diseases. A study has showed that regular green tea drinkers reduced their risks of developing hypertension by 46% - 65% compared to people who did not drink tea. It has been considered that the antioxidant chemicals in green tea are partly the reason for a reduction in heart-related diseases.
Antioxidants have been regarded as a major factor in decreasing the risk of atherosclerosis. By drinking green tea, oxidation of lipid in the blood is prevented. This, in turn, lessens the probability of lipids from sticking to the walls of the artery. Also, another recent study has shown that consuming green tea apparently enhances the function of the lining of the blood vessels. This allows arteries to become more capable of expanding and contracting when they need to. And, the enhanced function also reduces the arteries chances of forming plaques and lesions linked to heart diseases. The antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea also prevents the unnatural formation of blood clots known to cause thrombosis, one of the major causes of heart attacks and strokes.
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