Saturday, September 06, 2008
The latest Informaiton on General Health
If you have subscribed to the best nutrition weight loss magazines and have practically borrowed all the books containing the topic from the local library in the hopes of learning how to get rid of stomach fat and to achieving your desired weight naturally, you may be reading about many myths. Many experts revealed the diet sins and how they can be avoided.
Eating processed foods, even veggies, can not take the place of fresh veggies that you prepare yourself. Also, fruit juices are not as good as eating whole fruits. Beware of over-eating and under-eating.
These are two contrasting situations in nutrition weight loss plans that effect how to get rid of stomach fat.
1. Eating too much even if you think you have followed all the low-fat, low-carb tips you it may still not be a good nutrition weight loss practice for you.
2. Not eating enough will also result in weight gain because it will influence your insulin levels promoting storage of fats. Hence, it is highly advised that one eats about 5-6 light meals a day rather than eating 3 large ones.
Using too many supplements can be a mistake. Vitamins are supplements but should not replace foods. Nutrition weight loss programs have been in constant limelight all these years. This means that nutrition weight loss program is not the same for everybody. Bottom line, seeking the advice of reliable health practitioners should be your first step in nutrition weight loss plan.
Carbohydrate Nutrition Secrets For Getting Rid of Stomach Fat
Have you been scanning food labels longer than usual to compare which ones offer the lowest amount of carbohydrates? Carbohydrate nutrition is a totally misunderstood thing. Truth is, there is no dietary requirement for carbohydrate. Carbohydrates even provide more fuel for physical activity than protein or fat. Glycogen level is high when the diet has a rich carbohydrate content. Diet rich in protein results in a not-so-high glycogen level, and a high fat diet causes the lowest glycogen level.
Carbohydrate nutrition has been stirred by the low-carb issues. Foods that are said to contain low-carbohydrates may not be what they claim to be. A lot of foods that claim to contain less carbohydrates than some others may actually contain more sugar so as not to lose the taste that people love. Thus, these are not healthier choices than those containing the regular carbohydrates. Some carbohydrates are unhealthy and should be avoided when wanting to get rid of belly fat!
Carbohydrates are the best source of energy in the body. Simple carbohydrates (sugar), are the ones to be taken in moderation as they do not contain the needed nutrients. Complex carbohydrates like starches are the ones which contain the necessary nutrients. Eating low-carbohydrate diets is healthy.
Carbohydrates like starches can make you fat and make it much harder to get rid of stomach fat.
This is the most common carbohydrate nutrition myth. Eating large servings of these foods and eating them with other high-fat foods can raise the fat and calorie content. A low carbohydrate intake can result to low sugar level and weak body mobility.
Carbohydrate nutrition can be confusing as integral calculus if you entertain what everyone has to say about weight loss. It's important to get the facts when you want to learn how to rid of stomach fat.
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Naturally Green Blog - Bee Pollen
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