Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Another blog about Wheatgrass Seeds
It is advised to thoroughly understand the history of any new fad diet that you're contemplating undertaking. People should never make decisions based on reputation alone, and so it is important to realize the facts behind this eating plan.
This eating plan was designed by a cardiologist - a respected, experienced doctor. It has been designed to try and maximize good carbohydrates to increase insulin efficiency, and to lose weight through appetite control. Although you may not think it, this really is achievable.
This eating plan utilizes the glycemic index, and emphasizes foods that have slow-release sugars. These are low GI foods, and instead of the energy being used up quickly, they can be eaten and keep you feeling satisfied throughout the day. This also helps to keep your blood sugar levels stable, which is essential in people with diabetes.
The GI invention is the latest in diet technology. This is, in part, why the South Beach Diet has been so successful. It combines all the leading theories on dieting and the best way to lose weight to create the best, most up to date eating plan.
Processed or refined carbohydrates like white rice, white bread and white pasta have a much higher GI than wholegrain alternatives. The different sugars, fructose, sucrose and glucose have varying GI levels, too.
Some of the information about the glycemic index can be misleading. Currently, it seems that high GI foods can increase blood sugar and the body's production of insulin, but this is not 100% proven. Conversely, low GI foods can reportedly contribute to weight reduction.
This eating plan cannot promise that participants will never feel hungry, however, it is unlikely.
This diet also encourages eating some poultry, seafood, vegetables, various meats, fruits and grains. The eating plan boasts huge choice and variety in the kinds of foods allowed, as well as staying healthy and balanced.
The initial stages of the plan allow plenty of food to be eaten, but heavily restrict carbohydrate-rich foods.
In later stages, carbohydrates are permitted and the diet aims to tackle cravings by reducing amounts of addictive foods. After this, the participant should have established a healthy lifestyle, and can continue with the eating habits and enjoy a balanced diet with encouraged exercise from then on.
This diet is categorized as a fad diet, and it can be expensive. However, it does produce results if it is followed correctly. Beware, this turns out to be a psychological prop for those who are searching for the best diet to achieve a sexy body.
You can lose 13 pounds in just two weeks by following the South Beach Diet plan. More information can be found in my South Beach Diet e book. |
Our thoughts on Wheatgrass SeedsNaturally Green Blog - Bee Pollen
This makes a case for Cha De Bugre being a world class healing fruit.
My interest in it is because of its benefits in weight loss. Indeed, thanks to its great ability to suppress the appetite, the patient's body feels satisfied after eating only a small amount of food. This feature promotes the idea of smaller meals throughout the day and helps to achieve sustained weight loss and functional metabolism, avoiding the unpleasant Yo Yo effect.
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Naturally Green Blog - Bee Pollen
Organic Spirulina Powder - 500g - �17.99
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 500g - �17.99
Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 125g
6. Pack the potassium. Potassium is essential for lowering your blood pressure. Eat bananas, citrus fruits, low-fat milk and some vegetables.
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Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 125g
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