Friday, May 30, 2008
Recent information on Yerba Mate Tea
#1 � Carrot Cupcakes
View this website for more Info on...
Organic Spirulina Powder - 1KG - �31.49
Hemp Seed Oil Skincare (Yaoh)
Ancient Chinese healers studied the external rhyme and season of nature and applied those laws and language in their observations of human bodily functions. Wind, heat, cold, fire, dryness and damp are words that apply not only to nature but to the body. For example in TCM an acute sore throat is not considered a viral infection but rather an attack of wind heat.
View this website for more Info on...
Hemp Seed Oil Skincare (Yaoh)
Stevia - Powder Extract Liquid.
Take care and good luck with your fitness endeavors!
Q: Dear Mr. Russ Yeager,
View this site for more Info on...
Stevia - Powder Extract Liquid.
A quick guide to all those teas - Dallas Morning News
Thu, 01 May 2008 15:31:53 GMT
A quick guide to all those teas Dallas Morning News, TX - Is green tea truly better for you than other teas? Does it contain caffeine? How about yerba mate, the hot drink of celebrities? ... |
A Slice of Mafia With Your Sparkling Water? (The Village Voice)
Tue, 27 May 2008 23:56:11 GMT
The city's king distributor of bottled beverages likes the wiseguys (By Tom Robbins)
Metabolife Launches New, Two-Stage Weight Management Program to ... - Earthtimes
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:53:00 GMT
NEW YORK - (Business Wire) Metabolife, a weight management industry pioneer that successfully helped millions of people lose weight, is back on shelves with a new two-stage ...
Bill would make Salvia divinorum illegal - Lincoln Journal Star
Thu, 22 May 2008 06:35:00 GMT
All the publicity about banning Salvia divinorum is bringing new customers to Nebraska stores owned by Christian Firoz. Firoz says he’s always had moderate sales of the herb that ...
Yerba Mate TeaWhy There's no "U" in Diet
Perhaps it?s because ?you? don?t belong. You don?t belong as a dieter or a calorie counter. It?s all a matter of common sense. But first, a bit about my background. My mother was obese with high blood pressure, diabetes, and a yen for sweets. A deadly combination that led to an early death at age 52. Years later, I married a woman who would eventually weight 325 and she too succumbed in her fifties. During the years leading up to her death, I watched my wife attempt every diet known to man or woman. Whether it was an organized program like Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, a book like the South Beach Diet or Atkins, she jumped in and did lose a few pounds here and there. But each ended in more than just failure. More, because she actually gained more weight in the long run. It was the yo-yo effect.
As she deprived her body and herself, she became more miserable and dejected. Especially after trying hard and hitting the wall. That?s the point when no more weight is shed. She became despondent and went back to her old habits with a vengeance. So she treated herself to all those things she had to give up and added a few more just to be safe. Diets were causing the exact opposite affect. Instead of feeling better about herself, she felt sad because of the failure and swore not to go down that path again. That is until the next best miracle diet came down the pike. This one should really work, or so they claimed.
It?s the same for pills and potions, creams and devices. They tell you that you can achieve better abs, smaller thighs, less wrinkles and shed the pounds painlessly. So why don?t these diets work? It goes back to human nature. Why do we get fat? Have you ever tasted ice cream, chocolate, French fires and a juicy hamburger? How about cookies, cake, and fudge? We are surrounded by fattening, but good-tasting stuff. And that?s not ever going to go away in our lifetime. The temptation will always be there. Lurking, beckoning, and luring us toward the depths of a caloric extravaganza, whether we like it or not. And, more often than not, we do like it. It?s part of who we are and what we enjoy.
The magazine and TV ads that show skinny, sexy girls in thongs and bikinis have one thing in common. These models are young, say eighteen or so, and don?t eat enough to gain an ounce. After all, modeling is their paycheck. So they work out and watch every morsel. In truth, the average person will never look like them. But they show off Victoria Secret?s latest skimpy lingerie or appear in an ad for a butt-buster. Here is the awful fact. No amount of dieting will have you look like them. Maybe a five hour workout 6 days a week will get you close. But if you?re 35 or older, forget it. Gravity has already won the war. So what?s the bottom line?
?You? can forget about dieting. It?s a short term bandage that won?t cure your desires. Instead, eat the candy or French fries you crave, but in moderation. Cut back on the portion, but still eat what you want. Toss in some light exercise like walking and you can maintain your weight. Dieting implies a struggle or special program. That?s not practical for a lifetime of eating. Kick some of the carbs like pasta, potatoes and bread. Use good judgment and get on the scale now and then. If you gain a few pounds, don?t panic. Walk an extra day a week and take one bad item out of the pantry, like chips or candy. Over the long haul, ?U? will be better off and ?U?won?t need to wake up every morning facing the dreaded diet. And that?s one four-letter word that?s truly should be obscene and not heard.
Jeffrey Hauser was a sales consultant for the Bell System Yellow Pages for nearly 25 years.
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