Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Nutrition Info
Flaxseed Raisin Muffins - Arizona Republic
Tue, 13 May 2008 20:50:49 GMT
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NutritionThe Maker's Diet or The Faker's Diet?
The Makers Diet hum, interesting title. But should Jordan Rubins book really be called The Fakers Diet? And what about his Garden of Life products? Would Garden of Lies be more appropriate? Lets do some digging to unearth the truth.
Rubins first book, Patient Heal Thyself (another good title but appearances can deceive), was removed from the market by the FDA for making unsubstantiated medical claims and false advertising. Does that mean Rubin, his books and his products are bad? Not necessarily, but lets dig deeper.
If youre not familiar with Rubins miracle ingredient, soil organisms, lets bring the little buggers up into the light of day. First off, he tries to make us believe the Bible and various researchers recommend eating dirt for the soil organisms. Is this true? Of course not. But, by starting with basic facts and adding a whirlwind of fast talk, Rubin concludes 1 + 1 = 3, when it doesnt. Thats how the art of con works.
Who is this Jordan Rubin anyway? After all, hes got a slew of important looking academic letters after his name Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), N.M.D (Naturopathic Medical Doctor) and C.N.C. (Certified Nutritional Consultant). But are they for real? Lets use a roto-rooter on this one, because all these so-called degrees come from unaccredited pay a fee/buy a degree diploma mills.
Rubins Ph.D. school, The Academy of Natural Therapies (ANT another underground critter), was even shut down by the Office of Consumer Protection in a major fraud lawsuit against its founder Steven Byrnes. By the way, Byrnes was a big promoter of highly saturated (97%) coconut oil another of Rubins product ingredients. Research shows consumption of saturated fats like coconut oil greatly contributes to both stroke and heart disease. Interestingly enough, Steven Byrnes died last year of a stroke at age 40.
Finally, if this isnt enough, Rubin claims the research which backs up his scandalous books and products was (and I quote) published in the highly respected peer-reviewed journal Progress in Nutrition. Ever heard of it? Me neither. Tunneling deeper proved that Progress in Nutrition is NOT highly respected, NOT peer-reviewed and NOT listed as a journal anywhere! Apparently only one Special Issue was ever printed and that was sponsored (which means paid advertising) by (you guessed it) Jordan Rubin and Garden of Lies (excuse me, I mean life.)
And speaking of life, your life is dependent on nutrition, so its essential to be careful about what you put into your body. Life expectancy is much longer than it was even a hundred years ago. Sanitation is far better and medical practices have vastly improved, but the main reason people live longer is because far fewer die of infectious diseases. And, infectious diseases come from bacteria, viruses, parasites and numerous organisms in dirt!
Bottom line? Avoid soil organisms, Fakers Diets, coconut oil, the Garden Of Lies and all other dirty little scams!
About the author:
Want to know more about this deception? Check out part 2 of this series - you're there, be sure to subscribe to the free newsletter - you don't want to miss a thing Moss Greene has to say!
Tue, 13 May 2008 20:50:49 GMT
Flaxseed Raisin Muffins Arizona Republic, AZ - In a separate bowl, mix eggs, oil, applesauce, buttermilk and raisins. Add to dry ingredients, mixing until just combined. Do not overmix. ... |
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NutritionThe Maker's Diet or The Faker's Diet?
The Makers Diet hum, interesting title. But should Jordan Rubins book really be called The Fakers Diet? And what about his Garden of Life products? Would Garden of Lies be more appropriate? Lets do some digging to unearth the truth.
Rubins first book, Patient Heal Thyself (another good title but appearances can deceive), was removed from the market by the FDA for making unsubstantiated medical claims and false advertising. Does that mean Rubin, his books and his products are bad? Not necessarily, but lets dig deeper.
If youre not familiar with Rubins miracle ingredient, soil organisms, lets bring the little buggers up into the light of day. First off, he tries to make us believe the Bible and various researchers recommend eating dirt for the soil organisms. Is this true? Of course not. But, by starting with basic facts and adding a whirlwind of fast talk, Rubin concludes 1 + 1 = 3, when it doesnt. Thats how the art of con works.
Who is this Jordan Rubin anyway? After all, hes got a slew of important looking academic letters after his name Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy), N.M.D (Naturopathic Medical Doctor) and C.N.C. (Certified Nutritional Consultant). But are they for real? Lets use a roto-rooter on this one, because all these so-called degrees come from unaccredited pay a fee/buy a degree diploma mills.
Rubins Ph.D. school, The Academy of Natural Therapies (ANT another underground critter), was even shut down by the Office of Consumer Protection in a major fraud lawsuit against its founder Steven Byrnes. By the way, Byrnes was a big promoter of highly saturated (97%) coconut oil another of Rubins product ingredients. Research shows consumption of saturated fats like coconut oil greatly contributes to both stroke and heart disease. Interestingly enough, Steven Byrnes died last year of a stroke at age 40.
Finally, if this isnt enough, Rubin claims the research which backs up his scandalous books and products was (and I quote) published in the highly respected peer-reviewed journal Progress in Nutrition. Ever heard of it? Me neither. Tunneling deeper proved that Progress in Nutrition is NOT highly respected, NOT peer-reviewed and NOT listed as a journal anywhere! Apparently only one Special Issue was ever printed and that was sponsored (which means paid advertising) by (you guessed it) Jordan Rubin and Garden of Lies (excuse me, I mean life.)
And speaking of life, your life is dependent on nutrition, so its essential to be careful about what you put into your body. Life expectancy is much longer than it was even a hundred years ago. Sanitation is far better and medical practices have vastly improved, but the main reason people live longer is because far fewer die of infectious diseases. And, infectious diseases come from bacteria, viruses, parasites and numerous organisms in dirt!
Bottom line? Avoid soil organisms, Fakers Diets, coconut oil, the Garden Of Lies and all other dirty little scams!
About the author:
Want to know more about this deception? Check out part 2 of this series - you're there, be sure to subscribe to the free newsletter - you don't want to miss a thing Moss Greene has to say!
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