Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Have you heard of Spirulina Powder
A body fat scale measures your BMI or Body Mass Index. The reading of your body fat is equally, if not more important than your weight. By determining your percentage of body fat, you can assess your risk for developing weight related diseases such as High Blood Pressure, Diabetes type 2, and Heart Disease.
By monitoring your Body Fat, you have the best weapon to prevent these diseases. BMI or a Body Fat Scale can give you a percentage of your body fat based upon the national averages and standards. These percentages are divided into categories such as Underweight, Normal, Overweight, Obese, and Extremely Obese.
Measure your Weight with the Tanita Body Fat Scale
The Tanita Body Fat Scale is a wonderful tool that the whole family can use to measure their body fat. This bathroom scale is perfect and can even tell the difference between body fat and body water. If you have recently lost weight, this scale will help to determine what you have actually lost. The Tanita Body Fat Scale has been shown effective for use with children as well.
This is an even greater advantage because many BMI scales are designed especially for adults only. The Tanita Body Fat Scale has received wonderful reviews from users everywhere. If you want to maintain your weight, this scale can also determine how many calories a day you should consume to stay at your current weight level. Prevention is the best method for preventing serious weight related disease, and with the Tanita Body Fat Scale, you are equipped with one of the best devices to help you in your goal to achieve or maintain a healthy lifestyle.
About the Author
All About Scales is . . . all about scales! We tell you all you'd ever want to know about the fascinating subject of scales - body fat scales, infant scales, industrial scales, electronic and digital scales. Scales for the bathroom, kitchen, business and more! http://allaboutscales.com
Topics on Spirulina PowderBarley Grass Powder
*WHOLE GRAINS � Choose whole grain cereals, breads, rice, and pasta. Read the food label and make sure the grain that is listed such as wheat, rice, oats or corn is referred to as WHOLE in the list of ingredients. Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber. Fiber can help reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
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