Saturday, April 05, 2008
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Weight management is probably the single most important factor determining the quality and length of your life. That is why before jumping into the newest diet fad, you must dedicate some time to research a variety of diets and find the one that will dramatically increase your chances of succeeding at losing weight and keeping it off. Successful and permanent weight loss is not about suffering or deprivation, but about adopting healthy eating habits to last a lifetime.
Low Carb diets have proven successful for many. A personalized Low Carb diet can help you too achieve your goals if you know how to choose the best Low Carb diet. But with so many Low Carb diets to choose from, how do you pick the best Low Carb diet for you?
When it comes to Low Carb diets, there is no "one size fits all" solution. Several factors should be taken into consideration, like taste, budget, and lifestyle to name a few. So, how do you determine and choose the best Low Carb diet for your particular situation?
The first step to achieve a healthy weight loss is education. To find the best Low Carb diet for you, it is important to realize that a perfect diet does not revolve around fads, new "miracles" or quick weight loss pill claims, but changing bad choices into good ones. Weight loss and weight maintenance are successfully achieved when you make a conscious decision to change your lifestyle and eating habits rather than choosing a two week quick fix.
The good news is that Low Carb diets offer the best of both worlds. This article will give you some basic facts about the three most popular Low Carb diets. It will also point you in the right direction to start your Low Carb diet research and find the best Low Carb diet for you.
As of this writing, there are 12 popular Low Carb diets. The most known of them all is the Atkins diet. It starts with a two week period called "induction" in which you can easily lose up to 15 pounds in the first 14 days, and keep on losing weight at a slower pace after week two. This has been a terrific incentive for people who like to see fast results in order to keep the motivation going and stick closely to the plan. Do you think the Atkins diet could be the best Low Carb diet for you? Keep on reading to find out.
The South Beach diet is number two in the list of popular Low Carb diets. Contrary to other Low Carb diets, the South Beach diet is apparently the most balanced of the Low Carb diets since you get to eat lots of fruits and whole grain breads. There are multiple restrictions at first which can be though for some. However, weight loss is rapid during this phase. The second phase allows you to slowly introduce more carbs making it easier to stick to. As you go, you'll get to learn how to choose the good carbs and how to keep away from the bad ones. Finally, the third phase is a maintenance diet which needs to be followed indefinitely.
The third most popular Low Carb diet is called The Zone, which encourages a healthy balance between carbs and protein intake. This diet is about portion measurement and control. Determination is a must... could this be the best Low Carb diet for you?
And then you have the Hampton's diet, the Protein Power diet and the Somersizing diet. These are all Low Carb diets, and there are several more. So, before deciding what Low Carb diet is best for you, do your due diligence and get informed. This should be the very first step in any weight loss plan.
Remember that one key to success is to recognize that every person needs a different approach to weight loss. Besides choosing the best Low Carb diet for you, weight loss is possible if you:
1. Educate yourself.
2. Be willing to stick to your chosen Low Carb diet.
3. Have the needed patience before you start seeing results.
4. Be conscious of the fact that you'll adopt a new lifestyle.
5. Recognize that you may reach a weight loss plateau, but by
keeping at it, you will eventually achieve success.
6. If you mess up, be compassionate with yourself. There is
always a way to get back on track.
7. Believe in yourself. You can do it!
8. Exercise.
9. Do pleasurable activities to remain motivated.
10. If at all possible, get a buddy that wants to lose weight too
and encourage each other daily.
One final word... Don't fall for the newest fad diet just because it promises quicker weight loss. You are the only one that knows your body and your lifestyle, so you already have the best tools to choose the best Low Carb diet for you. And once you choose your diet, stick to it. The key to successful weight loss is making permanent changes in your eating and physical activity habits that you can keep up for the rest of your life.
About the Author
Atkins? South Beach? The Zone? Confused yet?
Get the Low Carb Guide to help you decide what Low Carb diet is best for you! and sign up for free healthy dieting tips delivered to your inbox.
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